Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reflection on Summer Tech Challenge

I'm so glad I participated in the Summer Tech Challenge.  I am always game for a challenge!

The first challenge talked about the 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have.  Though I don't have all of these skills perfected, I am on my way.  I remember this article talked about slowing down.

"No need to try and revolutionize your classroom in one afternoon.  That's a recipe for failure."    

Each of the technology tools I explored in this challenge are tools I see my fourth graders using in the classroom.  Will I use all of these skills this year?  No, probably not.  But my eyes have been opened to the power of technology and the importance of understanding the digital learner.

I am also feeling more comfortable with Twitter (I'm no longer a Twitter-newbie:) and blogging.  Before this session started, I couldn't tell you what an embed code was.  Now I have my own family blog and adding to it almost daily!

I'm excited to try Glogster, Voki, and Go Animate in the classroom.  I see these tools as a way to add a little Vegas to my instruction!  If the tool helps to engage my learners, I'm interested!

Again, I proud to have completed the NPS Summer Tech Challenge. Thank you for all the kind comments.  I do hope to keep this blog updated this year, but I know how time flies once we are teaching. Check back for more teaching tidbits!  Signing off for now.  :) Meagan

1 comment:

  1. Meagan--So glad you participated in the Summer Tech Challenge. You took away exactly what I had hoped teachers would take away: You can't do it all but there are a lot of options out there!

    I love your final project. I can't wait to read your students' blogs. And I love how you decided to use some of the tools to introduce concepts to your class.

    I will be anxiously following Mrs. Priebe's 4th grade class this year! (And I am always available to help!)
